Neck Pain Specialist

Mid Atlantic Chiropractic Center
Chiropractor located in Frederick County, Frederick, MD
Posture is a learned behavior, and most people have plenty of “bad” posture habits that contribute to nerve impingement, inflammation, pain and other symptoms. At Mid Atlantic Chiropractic Center, the doctors help patients from Frederick, MD, “retrain” their spine with posture correction treatments aimed at preventing serious issues and relieving pain.
Neck Pain Treatment
Why does my neck hurt?
Neck pain can be caused by several factors, including traumatic events like slip-and-fall accidents and car accidents, herniated discs, arthritis and other spine-related diseases, and even lifestyle factors like sleeping on an unsupportive mattress or pillow or spending long hours hunched over a cell phone or laptop. Unlike the rest of the spine, the cervical spine in the neck doesn’t have the same supportive musculature, and it’s subjected to far greater stress and strain, making it very prone to injury. Neck pain is often accompanied by chronic headaches, stiffness and reduced range of motion, and having painful symptoms evaluated as early as possible is the best way to ensure a fast recovery.
What is cervical radiculopathy?
Cervical radiculopathy is a condition that occurs when a nerve in the neck becomes compressed, usually from a herniated disc but sometimes as a result of other issues like trauma or arthritis. When the nerve becomes compressed, it can cause pain and numbness or tingling sensations in the neck and radiating into the shoulders and arms. Without proper medical attention, cervical radiculopathy can eventually cause muscle weakness and loss of coordination and grip strength in the hands and fingers.
How do chiropractors treat neck pain?
Neck pain treatment begins with an in-depth assessment of the cervical spine and the spine in the upper back, as well as the soft tissues and connective tissues that support them, using hands-on techniques to isolate areas of tenderness and other symptoms. Then, a spinal adjustment may be performed to ensure the spine is properly aligned and to reduce nerve impingements and irritation that can cause painful symptoms. Therapeutic massage can be very helpful in relieving trigger points or muscle “knots” that can cause pain and restrict range of motion as well as promote enhanced circulation for better natural healing. Gentle stretching exercises will be prescribed to help relieve inflammation and improve overall flexibility and range of motion for additional symptom improvement. Plus, chiropractors can provide lifestyle guidance that can help patients avoid neck pain in the future.
Chiropractic Neck Adjustment & Manipulation
Are you wondering if chiropractic care can help you get rid of the persistant neck pain that you’ve been carrying around for weeks or months? It is not surprising that most people approach a chiropractor for back pain, but many forget that we also can help with persistent neck pain as well.
So the answer to whether chiropractic helps relieve neck pain is a Yes! There is lots of research that chiropractic neck manipulation is very effective in reducing and relieving persistent neck pain and many of our patients find long-term relief from our treatments.
Neck pain often comes with headaches, limited mobility, and stiffness, and it is advisable to get the painful symptoms checked as soon as possible – to ensure a speedy recovery.
At Mid Atlantic Chiropractic Center in Frederick County, MD, our doctors help patients “retrain” their body with treatments like chiropractic neck adjustment to prevent severe issues and relieve persistent neck pain. Call us to learn how we can help you live a pain-free life.
So I would guess, probably, for several years now I’ve been dealing with this cervical pain, and I had gone to medical doctors, military doctors, and had an MRI, x-rays, and all this. I remember the technician saying, “You know, this doesn’t look good.” And then, I was like, “Well, whatever, what doesn’t look good?” And he’s like, “Well, let me let you talk to a spinal specialist.” So I went to the spinal specialist and they wanted to put plates and bolts in my neck, and I’m like, “No, there’s gotta be a different way. I’m tired of being medicated. I’m tired of having pain pills. I’m tired of begging on prescriptions.” You know, I was feeling like a drug addict just to get some pain relief, which I absolutely hate to begin with. I don’t like pain medications. I don’t like aspirins. I don’t like anything for that matter. And, actually, a friend of ours gave me Dr. Rashidian’s book, and I shelved it for a long time. Then I got to hurting real bad one day and I pulled the book out and I started reading about his dad and I’m like, “Wait a minute, you know, the same symptoms his dad had are the ones that I’m having.”
Bottom line is, I was losing strength in my hands, I couldn’t turn my neck to the left or the right, I was having pain in my lower back, in my hip. The radial layers of both hands, left and right, were going to sleep, I couldn’t open lids up, I was losing strength, I couldn’t play my guitar as much, posturing, and even sitting anywhere, hurt, sleeping at night hurt, everything hurt, and I just kinda got this feeling that everything was closing in. I was just, kind of, giving up. And, you know, I really feel this is a Godsend. That the Lord really just placed this chiropractic unit in my life.
So, after my second adjustment last week, and this is unadulterated, you know, I stood at the counter just overwhelmed and tears flowing out of my eyes and down my face and, you know, just feeling overwhelmed because I was pain free. And that was the first time in years that that has happened. Since that week, it’s been a week now, a little over a week, so a week and a half, I guess, that the symptoms have still abated, meaning the radial layer in my hands is still not asleep, I’m not waking up with sore arms and sore hands. My hands aren’t tingling. They’re not asleep. There’s no pain in my left bicep. The other day I was coming on base and I was able to crank my head to the left all the way back, like this, like I’m doing now, because I wasn’t able to do that before. So, does it work? It absolutely does, and I just wanna see what God is gonna do in the future. And he’ll provide each step of the way and I’m thankful for this place. And, there you go.
Interviewer: Okay, Debbie. What was it that made you want to come in for care?
Debbie: I have suffered with neck pain for about 7 to 10 years and I was just tired of feeling that way.
Interviewer: That’s awful. Well, how have you been feeling since you started with us?
Debbie: I have felt excellent. From the first time I was adjusted, I did not have a headache that evening and was anticipating the headaches coming back, but they never did. It has been close to a month now. Pain-free.
Interviewer: Wow. And you were saying to Dr. Amir just a moment ago that you have more energy and you’re sleeping better?
Debbie: Absolutely. More energy, no pain. It seems like the pain has just disappeared and it has turned into energy and now I can go back to doing exercising that I have not been able to do and having duration, which is really nice.
Interviewer: That’s wonderful. Wonderful. And what would you say to someone who’s thinking about starting with us?
Debbie: I would say do it because you owe it to yourself to feel better and it makes sense because when medicine just doesn’t do it for you anymore, just having this adjustment, knowing that you’re going to feel better is all that matters.
Interviewer: Wonderful. Thank you so much, Debbie.
Debbie: You’re welcome.
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